Here is my secret to great tomatoes,
1st- get your fabulously funny son-in-law (from now on called FFS) to think he can become a suburban farmer.
2nd - He plants three kinds of tomatoes, Better Boys, Early Girls and something else!. They don't grow as fast as he would like (this was back in MARCH) So he throws them away.
3rd - He gets a grow lamp and sets up a trial heat and lighted room in his spare bedroom.
4th - They now grow too fast and furious! Yes, like my Mitisbishi Spyder was!
5th - Now what, I said to pinch them.
6th- The science researcher that he is, did his internet research and said I was wrong, You only pinch flowers not tomatoes. (Well, whatever, I said)
7th - My dear daughter (from now on called DD) starts to worry about the mold that is growning in her spare bedroom next to the baby boy's bedroom (from now on called BB)
8th-FFS thinks maybe DD is right and wants to be a good father to BB, so he moves his suburban growing light contraption to the basement with the heater.
THEY CONTINUE TO GROW- FFS moves the light up
THEY CONTINUE TO GROW -FFS moves the light up again
DD takes them out side!
They all fall down! FFS throws some more plants away.
FFS repots the rest of them and props them up with wire.
He buys some new tomatoes from the nearest nursery.
DD calls me and says"Hurry, come pick up these plants and plant them"
The great mother-in-law that I am, drives over right away and notices that they are so leggy and almost falling over again. DD says it is the wind! She also says there were more here this morning. I looked in the garbage can and YEP- FFS threw 4 more plants away. I crack up. I pick three she says I can have.
FFS says those were the wrong ones, I put 4 aside for her especially. They were on the left side.
9th - I plant the three lonely leggy tomatoe plants. I names them Adian, Emma, & Adeline. And, oh yeah, Joe (my DH) feeds them the right stuff.