My husband retired. He was a truck driver so when he came home he never wanted to go anywhere. Well, after giving him 2 weeks to recoup at home, I declared. "Road Trip" I wanted to go to the Paducah Ky Quilt Show. I didn't really think he would want to come but he said he did. Well, that one idea turned into a "Hey" we are retired now. We can do anything.
So off we went this morning, Follow along with our adventure and please leave comments. We love them. I will also have him blogging too. He loves food and history; I love music, quilts and nature. We took 75 South to Cincinnati. The trees are all in flower, the grass is green and most leaves are out on the trees. The sky so blue, the traffic not so bad. We decided to go to Nashville first, the Paducah, Memphis, New Orleans, Orlando and Tampa and every place in between.
A flowering crab. So pretty.

We didn't eat here. I wasn't sure what a Colon Buffet meant even if it was only $6.75. I passed on this buffet.
My dear retired truck driving hubby was in his truck driving mood, Get on the road, drive to your destination, no side trips, stop for gas only. Well, I had to remind him, we can do anything we want, we HAVE no time schedule, Yes, we have reservations in Nashville, but it was only 8 hours to get there, so I Made Him stop to see the House of Quilts. Donna Sharp's outlet was here. It was ok, but not worth the stop. There wasn't much good deals, and quilts looked dull and dated. It was so disappointing.
Well, now back on the road and south we went on 65. Well I had to do something for him and guess what I found. Jim Beam Distillery and Marker's Mark Distillery is down the interstate.
V-twin Jim Beam motorcycle. I took the picture for my boys. It says do not touch.
Red Bud Trees all along the interstate. It was so pretty.
Time to eat. Where is the Bar b q? Well, he said, check the GPS. Ahh! next Bar b Q is just at the next exit 1.8 miles. Yummy. I couldn't wait. So Smokey Pig it was.
We had the family special. Pull pork with vinegar coleslaw and baked beans with tea-unsweetened. The southern waiter just shook his head at the unsweetened part. Don't want to rot my teeth out!
Smokey Pig is guess where? Bowling Green, Ky which is the headquarters of Fruit of Loom and Corvettes. We stopped for gas and right next to premium was Racing Fuel at $7.99 a gallon. It also had a lock on it. You had to go inside to get the guy to open it. It is only for off road use.
Finally, we found our hotel after I had to look into it. Joe had the wrong address and street name, so we were a little confused for a while and had to turn the car around. (How did he find his way in his truck without me?) Inquiring minds want to know?
Being as old as we are, we are resting in the hotel with a couple of beers. Tours can wait till tomorrow. Johnny Cash Museum, Coyote Ugly, Country Music Hall of Fame, the Grand ole Opry, Bluebird Cafe and shopping for some new fancy cowboy boots. Maybe Joe will get a cowboy hat and learn to line dance, I love a man in a hat. See ya tomorrow. If you have been to Nashville and know of something we shouldn't miss, let me know!