A Place for parties, making cookies, helping each other clean up. The bones of the kitchen were fatastic. the height of the ceilings: grand, the fireplace in the kitchen: an added touch, and the wonderful windows to the lake view outside with sliders to the deck. Added bonus wood floors and black granite counter top with an island. I know alot of people only dream to have a kitchen like this.
Before Pictures: Large corner pantry, lots of counter tops and working areas, heck even a desk area and a little cubbie for a TV. (out of range) 
So as the years past, more grandchildren and new daughter's in law came, The kitchen seem smaller and smaller. Even to the point of unworkable. Just what was it. Well I swirled my magic wand and thought what would my perfect kitchen look like. What did I not like about this one: Everything worked, certainly enough cupboards. My husband was not happy with my unhappiness.
So out came my list:
1. The island was too too big, When we replaced the stove and refriderator, they had to lift them over the island. The walk ways on either side of the island was 18 and 20 inches. When my husband and I both cook and clean up together, the main work area was right angled (stove, sink) and our butts and stomachs would bump.
2. Open the refridge or the dishwasher and nobody could get by.
3. We didn't use the desk or work surface, it just became the junk collector.
4. The black granite. Ugh. Beautiful when clean and shiny, but every drop, fingerprint, smudge, drip could be seen for miles. First you wipe it down, then you dry it, then you shiny it. EVERTIME. I am not that kind of house cleaner. I got better things to do.
5. My Oak Cupboards. UGH, UGH! I have lived with Oak cupboards for 25 years. I loved them in the 70's, I liked them in the 80's, I put up with them in the 90's, but now I wanted something new and different.
The in between stage: It was a mess for 6 straight weeks. Be prepared to be flexible, think outside the box and sweep, vacuum, sweep!
Choosing, Shopping, Decisions, Not the right side, not the right color, will it look good with this or that, will the cupboards be to dark and make the kitchen look smaller, do I want to move things around, get rid of the pantry and get pantry cupboards with roll outs, what can we save on here to splurge on there? To be honest, what I thought was going to be the fun part, picking out everything, became a real pain in my neck, REALLY!
So Here is the final revel. Drum roll, please!
We have a different island that I order from Crate and Barrel, It is grey with stainless steel top and places 4 small grandchildren to sit. (I will try and get a updated picture of the island)
I love the height of the fireplace not, It is very contemporary looking and sleek.
Hope you all enjoyed the show, Please leave comments, I would love to know what you think. Thank you for stopping by.
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